We Don’t Need Motivation (But We Do)

take the entire valuation of yourself and multiply it by at least one thousand
because you are far closer to perfect than you will ever see yourself
today you will make someone recognize your presence
even if you feel invisible

take your mirror and punch it
not literally
but remember that reflections are the scope of which we see ourselves and
this scope is far more tainted than we are told
you are breathing
you have the potential to change someones day today
you have the potential to change the world someday and maybe
you could make that day today
but if you want to watch tv and just eat cookies
thats okay too
and all of that is far more beautiful than crystalline eyes
perfect skin or a smile that stops heart beats

decide that you are beautiful or handsome
or strong or tall
or more importantly
decide it and then believe it because no truer words will ever be uttered from your mouth
say goodbye to the people that think you are inferior
do it quietly or loudly
it doesnt matter
you owe them nothing because they have given you no good graces

wrap yourself into your own bubble of self love
you do not have to be the “est” at anything
maybe you cant run the fastest or be the prettiest
or get the best grades but these are things that are relative
and can be made inconsequential if you need them

remember that time you were sad and someone helped you
thank them
remember that time you were sad and someone ignored it
ignore them
surround yourself only with the best kind of friends
smile sincerely and laugh genuinely as you create a richer life for yourself
by trimming away the people that do not honor your character or
defend your needs

and help others like you have needed to be helped along
you are closer to good than you think you are but you cannot continuously
give up on yourself
because once you believe in the power of your own life
someone else will too and
i dare you to make everyone notice that goodness in your heart
the strength of your character and the thousands of other reasons
you deserve to be here
this space may not have been created for you
but you occupy it
make the most of it